@benign0, matanong ka nga. I’ve always wanted to ask you how you manage to be so prolific. Sometimes an issue comes up and within hours you have an article out on the topic!
What motivates you? I think a lot of people think you are paid because of the volume and speed with which you churn out articles. Are you a paid hack nga ba? And if not, what motivates you to do this?

I ask a lot of questions…
Thanks for asking! I’m definitely not paid. As to my motivations, well, I think it’s no different to any other GRP writer. We’ve all just got something to say and we are all fortunate to have a platform to express ourselves.
The speed with which i write probably just comes from experience.
I like the timing of that momblogger’s article.
She may as well have been putting up GRP as an example of what her ilk ought to be focusing on instead of their pointless chikachika on social media.
@MirandaFair, thanks. Too much dependence on Facebook is actually a risk – something that many news organisations found out the hard way over the last several years.
Wow! Those leaked chats between Jover and Nicko are explosive! Sana mag trend ang #paboost! Di pala organic ang popularity ni Fiona! ?