Leave it to the top brass of embattled network ABS-CBN to leave the mudslinging and “defense” of their company to the pea-brained grunts way below the corporate ladder.
As expected, the joint hearing in congress was highlighted by the presentation of Rep. Rodante Marcoleta regarding ABS-CBN’s multiple violations and shady manipulations while operating within its franchise.
One very vocal and militant character always eager to join the fray is FM radio host DJ Chacha, who wasted no time in tweeting her spirited rebuke against points presented by Rep Marcoleta:
Hay. Fake news ng sobra. Sana nag-research. Mag-12 years na akong Talent/Contractual sa ABSCBN at may SSS, Philhealth, etc. May health card rin pati pamilya ko libre. Pinagsasabi mo, Ser?
Talk about heavily-filtered listening capacity and skewed logic. Perhaps Ms Chacha should be reminded she’s not the only employee of that company.
No wonder these clowns never get the public sympathy they’re always aiming for. Even at the most basic comprehension of issues these celebrities are quick to react with guns a’ blazing but are sadly lacking in competent ammunition.

Friendly lurker, at your service.