The cringefest that is The Acolyte

I practically gave up on anything related to Star Wars after Rogue One, and only checked out the Obi-Wan Kenobi series for old time’s sake and still found it wanting. So it was out of morbid curiosity and a slight masochistic streak that I decided to check out the notorious first three episodes of Disney’s…

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Wokes and the cycle of intergenerational grousing

I just realized something in light of the recent events where the loudest voices are composed of the millennials and their younger ilk. In a recent article written by fellow contributor Chino Fernandez, he wrote: The wokes tend to complain about some oldies as being dictators and micromanagers of other people, or even right-wing and…

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Woke statue-destroyers are the real revisionists

I’ve realized another way woke statue-destroyers are actually like the dictators. Many dictators have tried to destroy items of old culture, often killing people along the way, in order to make the world into their own image. Qin Shi Huang, more known as Shi Huang Ti, the first emperor of China is thought by older…

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Remember 3.11 Japan

Yesterday was the 8th anniversary of the tragic calamity which struck the land of the rising sun; 15896 dead, 6157 injured, and 2537 still missing as of this date a calamity believed to be the toughest and most difficult crisis of the country as Ex-Prime Minister Kan would describe. I can still recall my father’s…

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In memory of the #SAF44, we should call for #JusticeForSAF44 NOW NA!

There is no cause to celebrate. Bangsamoro autonomy was won by the people who massacred 44 SAF officers 4 years ago! We should be commemorating the SAF44 rather than celebrating the victory of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. That is a terrible injustice!!  ? MirandaFairI ask a lot of questions…

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